Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Signs and Symbols

Everything that appears in our reality originates as a thought or desire, our consciousness presents this to us in the form that we have intended. As discussed in the previous blog, we see what we want to see, and are in agreement with others to see. The simplest form of this is signs and symbols and is how the subconscious works. Even people are presented as symbolic, or can be a sign. Someone may appear in your life with a quality that you need to incorporate, or appear at a time when they are needed by you, or you by them, and for whatever reason. When we dream, sometimes our dreams appear to make “no sense”. Even in dreams that process out our daily experiences there can be signs or symbols that will help you to process or integrate the things that will help you to grow. Learning to incorporate signs and symbols into our daily lives can enrich our conscious experience. Since we already pay attention to signs every day, (we all know what a stop sign or red light represents), incorporating or expanding our perspective on signs can be fulfilling. Some people turn on the radio in their car and hear a song that has meaning to what they might have been thinking of. This is humorously called “radio readings”.

Many of the meanings assigned to signs and symbols are considered a universal language and have traditional interpretations, but others speak to us through our own cultural or ethnic belief systems, and not every sign or symbol we perceive is something that we will need to act upon. It is our mind and through our intuition that we will know how to utilize the information of the signs and symbols that we register.

Our understanding of "signs" comes from our observation of repetitive patterns and what the results are. In the present, collective beliefs about omens for example, have become discounted as superstition however they still appear as subconscious symbols. The part of the brain that is the core of our evolvement can only speak to us in symbols.

Traditionally, throughout the ages, the interpretation of signs and symbols was designated to Prophets, Oracles, High Priests and Priestesses, etc. Astrology is a science that came long before Astronomy and is based on symbols. In modern day we still have those who are the interpreters for the many even though we are now supposed to do our own personal interpreting. They now have different titles and different forms. Mass media, politicians, religious leaders are the new prophets and oracles. Some people still have a foot in the old paradigm of letting someone else tell them what they need, or should believe, as truth.

Years ago I spent time with a friend in Northern California who was the head man for his tribe. I used to go with friends and camp by the river and get away from television, radio and any other external information. After a few days you become totally in tune with nature. You observe what the animals around you are doing, you begin to feel your senses become more attuned, and your intuition is sharpened as all the external noise of society is excluded from your reality. The result is the feeling that you are moving in a river, flowing with everything and everyone who is around you. There becomes a synchronistic series of events as time becomes less and less important and you only focus on time because you are hungry or the sky lets you know that the sun is setting and the moon rising. The insects let you know what the weather will be like, the trees will show you whether it will be a dry year or a wet year, how much snow to expect, etc. After a time of living in this environment everything becomes symbolic and has meaning. Coming back to the city can be almost painful and some time was needed to acclimate to the noise and business around me, the schedules that have nothing to do with physical rhythm, and to balance out the idea that one can still be in tune with the signs and symbols in a false environment. But these trips were important as they helped me to find balance in any situation, to seek out the signs and symbols to guide me through all that noise.

Challenges and assistance that one might encounter in interpreting signs and symbols, and how to learn to relax into the Tao.


Quieting the mind is one of the most important things to do, whether one defines this quieting as daily meditation, or spending time alone relaxing, this is one of the most important steps to take. Turn down the noise.

Judging events as good or bad


Things that happen to us are not necessarily good or bad, it is strictly our interpretation of the event that dictates what we judge it to be. Events can guide, instruct and inform. Rather than judging events as "good luck or bad luck," it behooves us to look at them as what, how and why, to guide us along our path. If you can stay in that neutral place, then you will welcome the signs that appear in your space. If you stir up feelings of fear, then you will not hear or see the messages of divine support around you. For example, it's easy to think of observing a car accident as a "bad" sign, or perhaps a warning. Possibly you have been driving too fast lately, always in a hurry and have had the intuition that you should slow down. The accident can be a reminder to listen to your intuition and drive more carefully, not necessarily an indicator that you will be involved in an accident. Often our intuition will speak to us in this way and it might not always be the still small voice within that we hear, instead an incident in our environment that we observe can be the reminder to listen to that still small voice.


In my life as a spiritual counselor I use the tools of Astrology and Tarot because the symbology of these two practices, help trigger my intuition. Astrology is the art of interpretation of symbols and patterns that operate without and within a person and are expressed through planets. Each planet represents an energetic way of being and expressing. The moon for example represents our emotions, and the sign it is in is “how” we express our emotions. The Tarot is rich in symbolism and depending on which deck you are drawn to will speak to universal or personal interpretation. Learning to use tools such as these can assist you in working with signs and symbols in your life.

Keeping a dream journal as writing down your dreams is another good way to work with signs and symbols. When I was younger I literally dreamt future events, right down to the least of details. Some people can ask for a question to be answered in their dreams. This can sometimes be the only time we have to hear important messages.

What symbols are you attracted to? For awhile for me it has been hearts, I see them everywhere and they appear in my paintings. The message to me is to remember to keep an open heart and to live from that place. Numbers can also be seen as signs and symbols as the practice of Numerology shows us the patterns. It is so popular that here in my town, at the motor vehicle department they are used to people coming in and asking for certain combinations of letters and numbers for license plates.

Colors can be symbolic, what colors do you prefer to have around you or wear? I notice that on the days that I need more energy I tend to look towards the brighter colors to wear, and on the days where I just want to be more reflective I tend to wear more black.

Ask yourself if you want to see your world in a different way, see change coming into your life in a more joyful way, and with less judgment of self and others. Try living in the flow of signs and symbols, quiet the noise and listen to your intuition to guide you more on your path. Create the life that you want to see, look at signs and symbols as a feedback loop.

Every moment of your life is infinitely creative and the universe is endlessly bountiful. Just put forth a clear enough request, and everything your heart truly desires must come to you.- Shakti Gawain

Next: how to get from here to there

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