Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Full Mooon Muses

“Real integrity is doing the right thing,
knowing that nobody’s going to know
whether you did it or not.”
Oprah Winfrey

Good words, good intentions, and the outcome will always be great when you operate from this place of integrity. However, we are approaching transparency in all the actions of our life and the impending new paradigm will be one where we will know whether someone has integrity in actions or not.


Imagine a world where everyone was spiritually advanced, conscious beings acting consciously, and automatically always doing the right thing because people would know if you were not acting with integrity, and why would you not want to anyway? Can you perceive of a life like this? If you can, you are ahead of everyone else around you, but where are these people you need now? How does one find others who want to live a life of integrity and transparency now? They surely are out there, you can not be the only one who speaks their truth, acts and speaks from the heart, and is only interested in being who you are at all times, and in all situations. No false ego base, no puffing and huffing about how great you are, how intelligent, etc.

Where to go

The terms frequency and vibration are terms you will hear more and more. Everything in our universe has a frequency or vibration, everything. In certain healing modalities the healing is accomplished by tuning into and matching the frequency of the part of the body that is in need of healing. A healthy liver has a frequency, so does a heart, brain, soul, etc. One simply tunes into, or vibrates, the healthy frequency and the organ responds in kind. There are many examples of this in healings and “miracles”.

“Feeling” the world around you which is made up of frequencies is the way to discern what is right for you or not. A Master Teacher, Vitvan, whose works I studied had said: “We live in a sea of frequencies”.

Love, hate, anger, joy, these are all frequencies. All you have to do is register (acknowledge/focus into) the frequency and you are in it.

Example: One can not be in more than one frequency at a time, you might shift focus quickly, but you are either in the frequency of Love, or you are not, and as a result are registering something else. There are no worries about misjudging by appearances or personality. Who to trust and who not; the person that “seemed” so nice turned out to be a serial killer. Yikes! All the neighbors said he was such a nice guy. Outer appearances are deceiving. One must “feel” it or not. One can not “think” it, or “analyze it” to understand it.

On Time

Throughout this era we have heard about time in the conventional way. “Taking time”, or “making time” to build relationships, these are wonderful concepts, and ones to heed, but in the new paradigm our sense of known time may change as we begin to move effortlessly from one situation to another. Some of us are already feeling the nudges of moving, finding a place where you feel you belong, looking for the community of like minds, like frequencies. If you are one of those feeling the nudge but do not yet have a “feel” for where that is, do not worry or stress, all will be shown to you in divine order. Doors will open, people will show up when needed, and old ways of manipulations will be a thing of the past. There really is no need but to vision what one wants and needs, and then follow the frequency. Struggle will be a thing of the past.

What will it be like to have those around us who vibe in our frequency and us in theirs? Appearances may certainly be deceiving and this is where we must feel the energy of the others, does this energy resonate with ours? Does it feel like a comfortable easiness with no effort to communicate, or is it a struggle to align energies and communicate? Do we try to argue and manipulate to get our way? Or do we see that the natural flow of things brings us what we need. Manipulations will feel painful, others control trips will make us edgy. There is no need to control anything or anyone but self. The tension and stress that is created when one tries to make things happen does not fit in our new world. Many of us are already very weary of the control and manipulations, the lack of integrity, the missing transparency. We see this in the media daily, we hear of the lies that try to tell us as to who are to blame for the economic mess. It is hard at times to maintain hope, faith, and trust in our vision of what will be. But remember this, it is coming, it will be, it is destined, it was foretold, and we are the ones we have been waiting for. No one knows what is right for you, but you! Bless those who think they know, but keep focused on your truth. Forgive and forget!

next: allowing!

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