Thursday, April 23, 2009

Living on the Timeline

Alice: But it's no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland: Lewis Carroll

Many people are interested in who they were in a past life. A few seem to feel that what is going on in their life now, the problems or the people, come from a different time and place. In reality, this is somewhat correct. The past, present and the future exist all at once when we are focused on this planet Earth, in a timeline.

Accumulated lifetimes of focus and energy in certain areas can be determined by the south node in one’s astrological chart. The south node is the repository of all those lifetimes that you have talents, skills and abilities and are confident in what you can do. The north node in your chart is where you need to go to learn how to gain new skills and abilities and to balance out the past where you become stuck. In my counseling one of the first things I look at in a client’s chart is the south node, what sign it is in, what house it occupies, and if that person is “hanging around there” now. The sign of the north node, which is going to be opposite the south node, and in the house opposite the location of the south node, will tell me where this person needs to focus energy and intention in order to move forward in this lifetime.

In my experience as a hypnotherapist one of the most fun things to do is past life therapeutic sessions. Along with Alchemical hypnosis for this lifetime, the experience of viewing previous lifetimes can explain a lot and help a person to make decisions. In my own history of growth, the many regressions I have had both spontaneously and through focused regression have been so very helpful. Several people who were in my life at the time appeared in these regressions in different form and in different places, but the underlying theme of that lifetime, and my relationship with those people, is what answered a lot of questions for me and helped to heal both the relationships and experiences in the present.

“I wonder if I've been changed in the night? Let me think. Was I the same when I got up this morning? I almost think I can remember feeling a little different. But if I'm not the same, the next question is 'Who in the world am I?' Ah, that's the great puzzle!?
Alice, from Alice in Wonderland

The recent research in Quantum physics and the introduction of a lot of great movies like “What The Bleep” have helped progress the idea of multiple realities which can, of course include past and future lifetimes. I once had a client come to be for a regression in order to make a decision in her life that would impact not only herself but her children and current husband as well. She had experienced meeting a man recently and had felt a deep and immediate connection with him. Both of them realized that they knew each other, but didn’t, and the feelings were intense and deep. Her husband at the time was stationed overseas and she and their children were set to join him in a few months. Now her life seemed confused and she was worried about making the wrong decision, so she thought that maybe if she could find the explanation for this sudden intense relationship that she could then sort out the path that she was coming up on that would determine the next part of her life. When she came for the hypnosis session she shared that both her husband and her new found love were aware that she was going to do a regression to help her make a decision. As she began to relax into the session she was able to go right to the lifetime that she had shared with the new man in her life. As she told me what was going on she was also able to see what the connection was and how it had impacted her in that lifetime. As we began to close the session, I asked her to give him a hug and tell him that she appreciated all that he had done for her, the love he had given her, and that now she was ready to progress in this lifetime. As she did this she related that she began to feel an enormous emotional release, and suddenly knew what direction she needed to take.
The next day she called me to thank me and to say that she had called the new man and told him all about her session. He said that at the time she was having her session he was on the golf course in Hawaii, and at one point had felt someone touch him as if they were there physically, so he knew that he had been a part of the session as well. She had also called her husband and told him about the session and that her decision was that she and the children would be joining him overseas as planned. About a year or so later I had moved out of state and both she and her husband had found my new address. They sent me a beautiful letter thanking me for all my help. They related that they had never been happier and when they returned to the states would love to keep in touch. What a blessing for me to be able to help facilitate a solution to a difficult life decision, one I will never forget.

“Nothing is lost, nothing is created, everything is transformed.”
~ Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier

As most of us know we incarnate here to gather experiences for our own soul growth. Many times however we get stuck in this idea of past, present, future as being one following the other. If I die tomorrow then when I decide to incarnate again it will be in some future time. However the truth is, when you leave this plane and decide to incarnate you can go anywhere on the time line that you wish. If more soul growth for you would occur in the 1800’s then you can choose the time and the place for experience. Since the past, present, and future all occur at the same time it is just a matter of focus of consciousness. Much like the holo-deck in Star Trek one can experience any time frame that one wishes. We can do this in hypnosis, meditation and also in re incarnation.

There was once a sociological experiment with a focus group to see if changing an environment and immersing a group of people in another time frame would affect them physiologically. Health examinations were done and charted. Then the group was taken to a place where everything was from the 50’s. The people dressed in clothes from that time, ate food that was popular then, etc. They were immersed in a created reality from the past. After at time, health examinations were done again and the interesting and astonishing information was that the individuals physical bodies began to go back to the age the people were when they lived in the 50’s. A great example of how we can actually change our bodies by immersing ourselves in a focus of a different time. If this can be done with older people then how about taking younger people forward?
In my practice as a hypnotherapist working with younger children, I would take them forward in time so they could experience what it would look like and feel like, to be much older. The children quickly grasped how they could control what their lives could be like if they focused on a certain path. No amount of lecturing, cajoling or rewarding worked as well as what these children were able to see for themselves what the results of their actions in the present would create for their future.

What a difference might be made in the education of children if we were to look at their birth charts, their south and north node locations, to help them see their path clearly. Perhaps with the Plutonian break down of government, finance, schools and other institutions we may be able to build upon this idea of education in a more complete, holistic way for children. The children who are incarnating within this time frame seem to have a better understanding of how things work in energy and since they will be our future leaders, lets give them the opportunities and tools to help create the new ways of being and living.
Children are very open to remembering who they were in the previous lifetime, but soon forget with the focused programming of family, school and society. Occasionally we have those that do remember and insist on the family knowing who they were. I once had a client who was from another country, one that was involved in a war which ended before he was born. When he began to talk he told his mother that she was not calling him by the right name and then began to give her his name, rank and serial number. When I met him he was a teenager and on his own had done research on the name he remembered. He found a young soldier from the United States who had died in the war in Vietnam. He truly believed that he was this soldier and had incarnated very quickly after his death. There are many stories such as these from around the globe where children remember who they were.

At present there are many researchers, books, and stories to be told around past life regression and hypnosis. If you are at all interested in pursuing this path I think you will find it very satisfying, enlightening, and may be of great help in resolving any issues you can not seem to get beyond in this lifetime.

The greatest change, and the greatest healing, occurs in the present. Working in the now can change the past, present and the future. Enjoy your journey!

Next: Soulmates/twin flames/ soul groups/master soul

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Relationships: Venus goes direct

We are finally heading out of Venus retrograde in Aries which began on March 6th. It goes direct on Friday, April 17th, and stations at 29 degrees of Pisces. The 29th degree of any sign is what is called a “critical” degree, which means that the energy of that particular sign is intensified as it leaves the sign. The effects of the retrograde period will continue to be felt until around May 21, when Venus returns to the 16th degree of Aries, where it first stationed. This time frame is called the "Shadow Period", and can be as intense as the actual retro phase.

Venus rules feelings and emotion, values, relationships, fashion, and all forms of money and wealth. It rules social attitudes and behaviors, female relationships and social interactions at every level. Venus rules romance, marriage and other partnerships, and the pursuit of pleasure. Venus in Aries is very romantic and is the rush of feelings we feel when we first fall in love. It is impetuous and impulsive. It is courtship and all of the excitement we feel in the beginning of a relationship.

During a retrograde period the things Venus influences are of less concern to us. It is not time to initiate a romantic relationship or try to move one forward. When Venus goes direct things seem to begin to have a life of their own, energy moves easier, and projects that we wanted to complete progress towards that goal. If you have felt a financial lack, money should begin to flow easier to you. Old debts can be repaid and new opportunities for jobs/careers are presented. During the “shadow period” we might experience some of the feeling of lack that we experienced in the retro phase. Keep focused on what you want and vision positive outcomes.

There's one sad truth in life I've found
While journeying east and west -
The only folks we really wound
Are those we love the best.
We flatter those we scarcely know,
We please the fleeting guest,
And deal full many a thoughtless blow
To those who love us best.
~Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Relationships are something we all have had experience with from the beginning of our life. If one believes in reincarnation then we are drawn to the mother/father/family that will serve us best in our spiritual growth and evolution while we are on this planet. We also come in with set ideas about life based on cellular memory. These memories get activated as we move through our life. Whether we are relating in a romantic relationship or with friends or family, we are being influenced by cellular memory. Have you ever met someone that you instantly liked or felt drawn to, or someone that appeared to be a nice person but for some reason you just could not stand? This is your cellular memory being activated by that person’s energy coming into your space and you into theirs. Sometimes this is called “karmic” relationships, and for good or for not, they make a profound influence on our life. The greatest blessings of course are the relationships that we draw in that have good memories, the greatest hardships can be the ones that we have unfinished business with, or a need to complete. Either way relationships are with us constantly in our life, reflecting back to us where we still might need to grow, or showing us where we have grown. We must be the conscious participant. Whether it is friendship, family, marriage, etc., be aware that you have the greatest opportunity to grow, when you interact with another. The times that we spend alone are meant for us to turn within, to examine ourselves so we can try out our growth when we interact with others. If someone “pushes” a button with you try to move out of anger, anxiety or fear and be the observer of self.

We all have a need to be loved and to give love. Each one of us exhibits love to another in the way that we have been shown what love is. One of the most difficult things to understand is that another person might love us but does not show it in actions or words in the way that we might need. Most problems begin when our expectations do not get met. Communication is the key that will give us solutions to these issues. When I look at relationships with astrology, be they personal or business, I look at the persons Mercury, what sign it is in will tell me how this person communicates. Fire signs are passionate, Air signs love to talk, Water signs want to hear and talk about feelings, and Earth signs are about practicality. So the sign your Mercury is in is very important in your style of communicating.

As we move forward with Venus direct hopefully you will have spent some time examining what is important to you, your values, and how you want to live your life. In these times of difficult Pluto in Capricorn events and change, it will become more important to vision how we want things to be. Pluto in Capricorn will tear down the established structure to be rebuilt anew. It is a shared vision of values that we as a society need to bring forth. Perhaps we will now go back to valuing our relationships more, in our families, neighborhoods and in our country. With the Pluto station and retrograde until September of this year we will be looking at how we deal with authority, who we project authority onto and where we learned in our family to see who the authority was. In a lot of families this can be dear old dad. “Just wait until your dad comes home” is something I remember from my childhood that meant I was really in trouble. For those of us who did not grow up in two parent households the authority figure could have been projected onto anyone.
Now in the bigger picture we will be looking at our government and how that idea of authority in our lives will change. Already we are seeing the beginning of changes in institutions such as education, banking, insurance companies, etc., albeit forced. As we look at rebuilding our countries infrastructure will it be rebuilt with new technologies such as high speed trains, stronger bridges, more efficient automobiles, better transportation in general? New technologies now have a chance to come forward and make significant changes in how we live. Pluto in Capricorn can break down the barriers of resistance to free energy ideas. Taking those patents off the shelf and allowing them to be utilized in making life easier for us all. Perhaps we will see a more balanced government of and for the people. Certainly we are seeing an example of Pluto in Capricorn at work by the national “tea parties” being planned for April 15th.

Expect more earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods and melting ice caps as even the earth goes through a restructuring. Perhaps this is where we will begin to realize just how important relationships are in our lives.

“Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.” ~Oprah Winfrey

Next: Past, Present and Future Lives

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

From Here to There

As we progress in our learning we sometimes experience phenomena that we do not understand or need help to explain. One of those experiences for me was Bi Location.

Bi Location: In the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, it is defined as:

Main Entry: bi·lo·ca·tion
Pronunciation: 'bI-lO-"kA-sh&n
Function: noun
Date: 1858
Definition: the state of being or ability to be in two places at the same time

The ability to appear in two places at once is called bi location and is something that most remote viewers have the ability to do. Although the term is recently used more by current groups researching and practicing remote viewing, it is a very old technique and in the past has been called astral projection. One of the things that a lot of people strive to learn as they pursue their spiritual path is astral projection. There are some people who do it naturally and probably do not realize that they are doing it. Perhaps this comes from other lifetimes of practicing, and for the most part is done in the dream state. Many times people ask me about dreaming and dreams, feeling as if they have traveled to a distant place and felt they were actually there, but as an observer. This of course is an example of astral projection in the dream state. I have one friend that attends parties with people she does not know but always has a fun time!

The physical body remains in bed sleeping and the etheric body travels to another location, or even just another room. This can be somewhere on the physical plane or in any dimension, planet, etc. The person they visit may be in the sleep state and out in their etheric body as well. People report having conversations and doing things together, but often do not realize that they are actually astrally traveling and attribute it to just “crazy dreams”.

Although not usually seen by the people they visit, or seen in the place they visit, occasionally this does happen. I dimension trek to many places and usually am accompanied by a guide who shows up when I have been seen by other guides who tell me I can not be there. My guide always assures me that I can be anywhere I want, and to ignore the admonishment.

All the bodies

Most people know that the etheric body is the form closest to our physical body, where our chakras interact, and where these energy centers connect to our body. This is where you will see the colors of the aura. As mentioned in the previous blog, I was able to not only “see” the physical body of my teacher disappear but also the etheric body. It is the practice of meditation that enables us to be in the right frequency. Meditation is the key to all of our development spiritually. It helps us to learn the practice of detachment. This is where we learn to not judge events as good or bad and where we can learn to act and not react.

Physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies are energy fields in motion. All resonate and vibrate at specific frequencies. The physical body reacts to the emotional body which can be controlled by the mental body, and all serve the spiritual body, or our “Divine Intelligence/Higher Self.” It is our thinking processes or the “mental” body that influence the other bodies for positive or negative. The emotional body does not recognize time and is the one that we have the most issues with learning to control. It is the repository of all lifetimes and contains all of our emotional reactions on the cellular level.

Learning how

In my own personal experience of bi location, again I was being inner plane taught. I had not studied this phenomena nor was I particularly interested in learning about astral projection. However in one afternoon I was taught about bi location and shown “how” I was able to do it. The story as it happened was actually a by product of me helping another person. This young woman was a friend of my oldest daughter, and her grandmother had passed over within the last few months. My daughter told her of my mediumship abilities and that perhaps I could answer some questions for her, so time was made for her to come and visit. At the visit she spoke of how she had spent a lot of her youth with her grandmother and how close she had been to her. She wanted to be able to connect with her and I was impressed by spirit that instead of giving her a message, that it was more important to help her learn to communicate. She already felt that there was life after death and that her grandmother was around her, but wanted to know how she could communicate. So I spent some time teaching her a technique that she could implement. I suggested she write a letter to her grandmother, then put it away and when impressed get the paper out and write what she felt her grandmother would reply. This exercise would prepare her for more communication in the future and in different ways. She was a sweet girl and was very appreciative of the help and time I had given her. After she left I went to take a bath and meditate As I soaked in the water I reflected on the time that she was there and my heart opened to the fact that this young girl was so interested in learning to develop her abilities The open heart vibration enveloped my whole body and I felt joy and love surround me. As I was enjoying this experience a knock at the bathroom door brought me back to 3D reality. My oldest daughter wanted to know if I could speak to her friend again, she was upset about something that had happened when she got home. She had gone home and was preparing to do her writing exercise, walking from her bedroom to the living room she passed by the bathroom and saw a woman in her bathtub! Her shock made the vision disappear and then she was so upset at what had happened she called to see if I was available to talk to her. I told my daughter as I realized what had happened to tell her it was just me appearing, not to worry and to relax and I would call her back and explain. Thus not only did I experience my first bi location but was also able to teach about it!! Since then I have had people tell me that they have “felt” me in their physical space when they needed me and how calming it had been. Some have sworn they saw me appear in their space. I am sure they did.

And how can one use this?

Where can you serve and how? Over the years as I learned more about my self and my abilities I realized that I am a remote viewer, among other things. As someone who can do remote viewing I have used this to help people in many ways. Healing is a good example just being able to project healing energy to someone through your physical space to them is phenomenal in itself. But it also shows that we are all truly connected. Many of you already use this ability but are perhaps not conscious of it. The solution is to keep your heart open and to remember to always operate from that place as you progress along your path.

Relationships in 2009, the 11/2 year